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Monday, May 3, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
COMELEC should never allow to happen the failure of National polls.
The true guardian of democracy is the power of the people through electoral process. Our Constitution is the basic law of the state governing the democratic institution of the republic this cannot be denied by the persons and officials of the authority whether elected and appointed. As citizen of the nation, we have always the privilege rights to depend its Constitutional rights under our Bill of Rights in the articles of the Rights of Suffrage. The success of the May 10, 2010 national poll it depend how the COMELEC will handle the whole process of clean and credible election results by committing ourselves through Honest, Orderly, Peaceful Election (HOPE). No matter the dirty tricks kind of political maneuvering in precinct polling places will be applied, if the voters resist not accepting dirty kinds of politics in the ground. Electorates must have free will to votes on May 10 without fears, intimidations and coercions from the bad element of political supporters who wish to be elected by force of their leaders in a kind of electoral fraud not by a true mandate of the people.
As registered and qualified voters for May 10 election, we have the freedom to cast our sacred votes for a chosen leader to whom we trust and believe that the next president for the term of six years will surely lead us for an abundance of an opportunities deserve to be boldly and honest president. The power of elected leaders is in the hand of voters from the casting of votes shaded legibly in an almost two meters of official ballots of the COMELEC. Choice the best to whom you trust as our rightful leaders of our great republic.
On first poll automation let us all have faith in the conduct of electronic voting system. Both Houses of Congress passed the law for its purpose and then appropriated multi-million funds come from the national budget of the peoples’ tax money, just for the allotments of expenditures of this voluminous election equipment and paraphernalia. The Commission is just to have a modern system for the first time of automated election for this country.  Anyway, with the full participation of an expert of Information Technology (IT), independent polls watchdog, election volunteers, media observers both locals and international news organization will be there to have a full coverage of our historic election events of the Philippines.
I am fully aware and convince through experience using modern technologies whatever they are like PC, PCOS and other data equipment still on the process normal standard operating procedures- garbage in and garbage out. What you feed to PCOS machines is the outputs of the data results.  An IT expert knows it better for the full operation of the electronic gadgets of the COMELEC no doubt in it. All political parties and candidates must have trust to the IT they commissioned and hired for the security and safety of election results counted by the PCOS machines. Magtiwala tayo sa kakayahan ng Komisyon….
IPTV- is the secret of campaign strategies for Senator Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino-III to reach as many voters both local and international audience.
Note: To all media colleagues happy World Press Freedom globally anywhere in this planet world.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

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