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Monday, May 31, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Its great honor for recognition of Muslim National Artist’s works in D.C.
Abs Damahan
It’s a great honor for the first Filipino-Muslim National Artist is now on display at the Philippines Embassy in D.C.
Citing a report from the Philippine Embassy in Washington, the Department of foreign Affairs said Abdulmari Imao’s works are on display from May 26 to 31.
Imao, the National Artist for Sculpture, and his dentist-painter son Jose Mari Imao are holding exhibition entitled “Henerasyon: Two Generations of Imao Art.”
An article on the DFA website said highlights sculptures and paintings that have defined the legacy of the Imao family of artists.
“Through the elder Imao’s works, the indigenous ukkil, sarimanok and naga motifs have been popularized and instilled in the Filipinos’s consciousness,” it said.
Abdulmari, the first Filipino-Muslim to be named as National Artist, also does large sculptures and monuments of Muslim and regional heroes.
His son Jose Mari has likewise gained attention as muralist and a portrait artist. Source: GMA News.TV
Muslim minority should always have place in public policy of this nation not only in Arts, but in many areas of collaborative works for excellence that will contributes for better Philippines. Stereo type of branding minority for exclusiveness will surely creates division for Pinoy rights to explore hidden talent and skills.
Imao’s skill is an exceptional one can be hardly duplicated by another Muslim’s talent in the category of Artist’s works. Giving chance in other field, I am sure many Muslims have a common acumen and expertise can be tapped to help and contribute the National policy planners for the best interest of the republic. But because of the policy of neglecting and isolation of Muslims minority are remain in deep trouble towards meaningful cooperation for the National policy maker of our republic.
Branded of wrong treatment and bad connotations of Muslim names in whole and in large scale attributes, it really hurt the good and best one who is potentially better than Imao’s creativity need for mutual respects by the society.
With condor as Muslim minority we appreciated to the National Artist’s organization for the recognition and honor of Imao’s works.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel. No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Friday, May 28, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Strict State Laws and Transparency an engine of RP reform
Strict implementation of state laws is the only chance of RPs reform, If the incoming President apparent Senator Benigno ‘Noynoy ‘ S. Aquino-III is really serious for his crusade in his political ads, “Kung walang korap, walang mahirap ( no one would be poor if there is no corruption).
Upon surfing through the internet of the most popular Social Networks: Facebook, Twitter and Blogs and including print and e-media columnists, opinion writers, bloggers and netizen society both local and international group are demanding for policy change to incoming  President. They totally rejected the culture of impunity, corruption, dynasty in politics and culture of political violence.
Judiciary branch of government and the Judiciary system of the state is the answers for all these concerns by implementing punitive law who violates it. There should be no exemption to the citizen of the republic if they committed both civil suits and criminal offenses. “The law for the riches and effluents are the same penalties to the law of the poor offenders”. This should have had an equal treatment without dissimilarity in the application of the states laws to all its citizenry.
A States reporter without borders has it highly priority concern more focus on the poverty and high rate of population growth. I think the incoming President in his first 100 days in office should have accomplished public policy programs for these immediate concerns under his administration.
New Cabinet Secretaries appointees are crucial and very important subordinates in running public offices. Selection Committee must select public officials based on credential qualification, plus factors he/she has the trustworthiness and credibility’s quality and an excellence of tract records of public services. Evade to get people who are belongs to the opportunists in short a kind of persons jobs grabbers. Noynoy Team must be always aware to this type of persons to join his administration.
President  Barack Obama, Team Obama and Organize for America (OFA) all personalities behind him are those people who help him from Community Organizers, State Legislature, Senator until he became President of the United State. They are David Axelrod, Robert Gibbs, David Pflofee, Jemery Bird, Mitch Stewart and the rest loyal friends that how President Obama smoothly run the WH with trust and confident to all his staff.
With all confident in you and the team hopes you can find persons to whom you can trust in handling critical government positions under your administration.
Hindi sana tayo tawagin Banana Republic ang sakit patutsada nay an Noy….
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
The Convincing victory of neophyte politician for the House of Rep. LP bet Jim Salliman Hataman .
Basilan Philippines- For the third times attempt of political derby is a sounding victory for the neophyte politician Congressman-elect Jim Salliman Hataman. The conclusive election results of the most feared province of Western Mindanao is finally concluded. The incumbent Governor Jum J. Akbar and Vice-Governor Al-Rasheed Sakkalahul retain their post respectively.
With a little background of his political career he won in 2001 as Mayor of Sumisip Municipality for one term. In his three years as Mayor, he accomplished of valuable projects and introduced a lot of livelihood programs for the people of Sumisip under development strategy “PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT” who suppose the continuity development goals of the Municipal Government, if only he can finish the mandated three terms as Mayor. But suddenly in 2004, he ran for Governor, but he defeated by the late Governor Wahab M. Akbar and won by landslide. And again in 2007, he run for Congressman against former Governor Akbar with the same fate, he lost the contest for the House seat of lone District of Basilan. Finally, in 2010 his lucky year and lucky numbers, he won the contest with convincing political victory of his political career. A kind of politician never surrender to fight political foe until such time, he reached the goals of triumph.
Congressman Hataman success in politics would be turning point of event for the Basilenos, if he is seriously enough works for the good of the province continuing of his agenda for PEACE and DEVELOPMENT” of Basilan. He has the chance for a strong lobbyist in the Hall of Congress at the lower House. As Liberal Party (LP) Members, he can do a lot for Basilan, if only he can establish good relation and connection with the Chief Executive. Basilan is an orphan Local Government Unit (LGU) needs a special attention by the National Government to address the complexity problems of the most feared province of Western Mindanao. This must be comprehensive packages of development strategy phase by phase approach by both national and local government to come-up with the concept of multi sectoral sustainable approach for long term solution.
My final advise to my cousin Congressman Jim Hataman his first step to reconcile all political factions of the province and sit-down together to lay down comprehensive development programs of the province. He should never turn-back the opportunity given to him by the Basilenos. He should talk with the Governor and Mayors of the 10 Municipalities. He is now the father of the Basilan an inclusive leader for all Basilenos. I know him from head to foot; he is serious man and good leader. Congratulation and wish you more success ahead for the good vision of Basilan.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Monday, May 24, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
The Controversial ‘Koala Bear’ of Teddy ‘Boy’ Locsin
The controversial masked ‘Koala Bear’ (A.K.A.) “Robin” hit the front-page become an instant talks of the town by the political pundits. Makati Representative Teddy ‘Boy’ Locsin is from the rank of respected journalist -names three personalities are now in the headline former Executive Secretary Ed Ermita, DND Secretary Norberto ‘Saging’ Gonzales and former Manila Mayor and Environment Secretary Lito Atienza the alleged  behind the ‘Koala Boy’ expose’ in that related poll automated election fraud allegation. What really interesting here, we demand to unmask the identity of the whistleblower with shadow alias –(Robin) so that the public is well informed if there will be on-going investigation. The veteran guards of Malacanang “Koala Boys” did the same dirty jobs, if this is true Mr. “Teddy Boy”. What’s really the motives of the Gangs of three, I don’t speculate on this hot issue.
Americans and Pinoy politics have it similarity; I still recall when President Barack Obama assumed Presidency, former Vice-President Dick Cheney and GOPs came into pictures attacking President Obama left and right in many political issues. But despite of the negative smears campaign of GOPs- the President and team democrats’ standstill remain focus for the agenda of reforming American politics. If you can remember during heated arguments of the American Health Reform Bill, the President even branded the GOPs who opposed the very important bill as an obstructionist for the greater interest of the Americans. How serious the president and the team democrats to fulfill the promises for their people. Aquino administration should also do the same as President Barack O. did in the WH and Capitol Hill.
Makati Mayor Jejomar, the frontrunner in the vice-presidential race is even tagged by the whistleblower as of being the “consolidator” of poll fraud in four areas of the country. He alleged spent P1.4 billion to have the votes of his rivals shaved during the canvassing of the votes. I cannot comment on the alleged spending unless it proven in court proceeding and let’s wait for the new development of this fraud election allegation.
With this “Koala Bear” allegation I think this might be the handy works of an obstructionist group a kind of gimmicks to disturb the incoming President Noynoy Aquino-III it need no panic for the citizenry. Dirty works still persist in our old fashion traditional politics under the same Pinoy Banana Republic. Be consistent and remain vigilant holding together for new hopes of Pinoy under new modern politics of modern global democracy.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Friday, May 21, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
The emotional Teddy ‘Boy’ Locsin
As media practitioner I sympathized Makati City Representative Teodoro “Teddy Boy ” Locsin Jr., Chairman of the House Committee on Electoral Reforms and Suffrage, expose what he has in his possession in relation on still inconclusive 1st national poll automated election Halalan 2010. Public demand it’s really wanted to know what transpired on this historic election, we are still in doubting for the factual election results on the credibility and acceptability of our electoral process. Fifty (50) million voters perceive in euphoria to the validity of Election Returns (ERs) transmitted to COMOLEC National Command Counts Center and PPCRV Commands Center allegedly tainted with the discrepancies in figures, time, dates and etcs.
Investigation should dig deeper by the House Committee on Electoral Reforms and Suffrage after the proclamation of the new president and install to Malacanang Palace. I am against the delay of canvassing for the position of President and Vice-President in order to have a smooth transition of power on July 1, 2010 as prescribed in our Republic Constitution of 1987. We should avoid of having power vacuum that may happens in our political exercise, if we are going to derail the normal proceeding of our electoral processes.
The truth in just concluded automated election should come-out in due time so that electorate be awakes in the future poll automation election. Systems it must be corrected for perfections by the Commission and partners companies not repeated like what happen now in our post-election period is look likely disturbing to every-one of us in the goals of RP’s modern democracy. Global community is still watching us, on how to deal with the internal political practices. Political observers see us” Pinoy politics conceive barely immature and disorganized what they saw in the streets Capital and other part of the regions in recent past election period-“ a society of a polarize nation without positive outlook for core urgency change and renewal”. Actually, this is really hurting statements, but, we should accept reality the cultures of violence remain the tradition Pinoy politics. It deems valid comments from the outsiders in the actuation and conduct of the Philippine Politics.
Teddy Boy Locsin Jr. lost his temper and uttered expletives words during the Committee hearing after Smartmatic-TIM, which supplied the voting equipment, was prompted to make the admission from the latter.
“Do you realize what fools you have made of legislation that pushed for this law? Your assurance was that if fraud is committed, we will be able to trace it….Now you’re telling me this? Said an irate Locsin. Source: Yahoo News.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Let’s see the Aquino administration how to govern our republic
More than 90 million Pinoy from Batanes to Jolo Sulu and more than half of the 50 million qualified voters voted for the front-runner of Presidential LP bet Benigno ‘Noynoy’ S. Aquino and including myself voted for him in just concluded first nationwide automated election 2010.
It would be a touching message of hope for the supporters of Noynoy, when the Queen of talk show Kris Aquino-Yap releases a message of thanks on her prime time show “The Buzz” last Sunday. She would promise to leave some of her shows, if President-apparent formally assume office on July 1, 2010, she really wanted to help Noynoy in his administrative functions inside the Palace when call for to deliver a truly genuine services to the people of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao. She also recounted the supports of other personalities behind the success of her contributions to Noynoy’s campaign victory in the first poll automated election.
Let’s see those promises would comes to reality and remain to be seen in every speeches he delivered during the stint of campaign sorties. As a political pundit, I will base my judgments on performance during Noynoy’s terms in office not on his purely rhetoric speeches at the time of campaign period. Team Aquino should always review and recall that very important platform address he made. And make sure that they will return to the people of what they compromise and fulfill the commitments to the supporters in time they need supports from the electorates.
Many politicians failed in his/her chosen careers because of broken promises some of them are good for one term only. The rest exceptional few, they are survive because of witty-gritty sweet-talks consider a very excellence in communication to the avid and loyal supporters. But, this kind of politicians are rare can maintain a midas touch to the people for so long of holding supporters in the ground a branded finished termer politicians.
Observers both inside and outside of the country will focus to the public policy of Aquino administration to fulfill on his strong anti-graft platform and promise to restore the integrity of Congress and the judiciary. It’s a bit fascinating to watch by all of us belong to the fourth estate of media practioners. For my part I will do that when he formally assume office on July 1, 2010. By tradition for the new Chief Executive, we are looking at his performance for the first 100 days in office.
My wishes to Noynoy and Team Noynoy, he can choice a credible and qualified Cabinet Secretaries under his wings to run the government with utmost dedicated public service for the best interest of the nation and people’s interest.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Aquino Presidency a triumph of strong Democracy in RP
While still inconclusive set-up of government turned into high political drama after Presidential Liberal Party (LP) bet Benigno ‘Noynoy’ S. Aquino for sure winner in the first poll automated election of 2010. PGMA LAKAS-KAMPI-CMD blocs are beaten but still battling to control the lower house. She has now 80 members of Congressmen and Congresswomen who committed for her bid for House Speakership. PGMA what she is doing now is tacticizing to garner at least 143 votes for her Speakerships’ bid and she almost transfixed the commitment support of the majority of the members of the House of Representatives. I think it really the cause of head-ache for the Aquino administration to ideologically dissimilar of his new policy in running government smoothly. LP bloc should admit they are now belonging to the minority government of both two houses.
In recent Britain’s Parliamentary election Labour Party’s of incumbent PM Gordon Brown defeated by the Conservatives youngster David Cameron is the same with Philippines political drama.  Conservative leader fell short of majority as results showed his party had won 306 of the 650 seats in the House of Commons less than 326 needed for outright victory. What Cameron did to rebalancing political power and get the majority Parliament, he negotiated with the Liberal Democrats Nick Clegg has it 57 members to form a coalition government just for the interest of British Government to institute promising quick legislation on electoral reform and other legislative agenda still pending in the Chamber of British Parliament. That how quick British politicians can fix their political indifferences. David Cameron is now PM of British Government in short spans of time consuming.
For Noynoy’s political team, “It’s vital that this political vacuum is filled as quickly as possible,” for transfixing the scenario of “Hung Congress”. The LP leaderships should seize the initiative with a “comprehensive offer” to the other political blocs with similar ideology in common to form majority government. They are in dire for a vibrant strong democracy to have a unity government, if his administration is seriously enough to institute change and reform public governance. By the power vested in him as Chief Executive of the state, he has no reasons cannot pursue the agenda of good government if he doing so for the nation’s interest. “I think it is for now for the Liberal Party to prove that it is capable of seeking support to govern in the national interest.”
RP’s experienced to dictatorial regimes for 20 years, it’s so happens the Aquino’s clans suffered most in those darkest days under the hands of dictatorship president, by that painful experienced they had, Noynoy presidency would struggle to preserve a strong democratic government in the Southeast Asia, since many of our neighbors nations remains in pseudo autotarian rules and autocratic governments. It’s therefore, have great chances Philippine politics can move forward to institute public governance in order to eliminate the deep rooted corrupt society and bad governance in both public management and private sector. He must also focus the reform of the mountainous problem in our political systems under our republican government.
Moral authority and moral ascendancy it deems to be supposed “the core values of the Aquino administration “is beyond the expectation of the youngster electorates who voted for him contributes for a solid votes in just concluded 1st poll automated election of 2010-Iboto mo Ipatrol mo ito ang Simula on ABS-CBN Halalan 2010, all over 80 thousand youth volunteers at the same time they form themselves as poll watchers to guard the sanctity of the malfunctioned PCOS Machines and the election paraphernalia.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Cleaning the House for the smooth transition of power
What incoming Aquino administration should prioritize now is the cleaning the house before assuming presidency. The barometer of good government and attracting both local and foreign investors is the political stability of this country. Team Aquino should do now lay-down the policy of the new administration what do people expect from them. New administration needs strong, stable decisive government and it is in the national interest that we get that on secure basis on their comprehensive programs that people benefits from it. LP Party bet Noyno Aquino-III has no clear platforms of government in all his campaign speeches. He is more on rhetoric speaker rather than have clear-cut policy can offer to the people.
With the Liberal Party (LP) scenario after post-election they belong to a minority government in both Houses of Congress would might have possible of “Hung Congress”, it need to begin rebalancing the political spectrum for gaining supports from both houses. Aquino government has to accept that he fell short of majority government. Team Aquino should do now thinking of coalition government to fill-up the control of the two houses. I think it is now for the LP to prove it is capable of seeking to govern in the national interest of the republic. Unity government is necessary the only alternatives solution for Aquino government to succeed on his quest for change and reform governance.
 By this time Team Aquino should have the listing names of both re-elected and new elected Senators, Congressmen and Congresswomen scouting for the possible political alliances of his administration setting aside partisan politics. What president-elect Noysoy should do now delegate his political team as lobbyist for special interest of his legislative agenda need a common supports from two houses, Ala President Barack Obama when he assume office at the White House. He appointed personal staff for special interest of both the White House and Capitol Hill, when he institute reform for American politics. No harm of copying other public policy when public interest at stake,  and if the purpose is for the general interest of the Filipino people, right minds will not object for any sounding proposal if for the good of all.
It is not denying facts Aquino administration will inherit a nation with a complex problems by the decade long  of Marxist underground movement, Muslim resistance, military unrest, corruption, violent crimes, political strife and the number one problem is to fight poverty over mix society from Batanes to Jolo Sulu. Without boldly and honest president to lead the nation by example you might be the same a lame duck president as your predecessor PGMA did of her Nine Years in Office at the end of your of term. Hope you don’t fail us Noy….
 For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Experienced in the first poll automation with PCOS
After 90 days of campaign sorties election fever end-up with many of lost of lives due to related political violence, hurting of many hearts and also losses of fat saving in the multiple bank accounts. The winning candidates are lucky enough to posture themselves how to recover their bulk of expenses in the span of the campaign period, while the losing candidates are imagining like a Shoalin drunkard masters counting the stones and stars on how they recover huge losses without profit gains. Post election related violence mars the dirty image of Philippine politics portrays immaturity kind of gruesome the incivility cultures and traits of Pinoy politics. Painful experienced of first automated election despite aberration of technical glitches of Precinct Count Optical Scan (PCOS) Machines in some Precinct Polling Places. But, the systems in whole processes are average passing grades. Naturally, anything applicable system is considered new has always a flapped in the start of the operation until such time has it improvement for perfection.
COMELEC still need some improvement and innovation for the conduct of an automated electoral process in the area precinct distribution. As electorate of the first poll automation, I experienced a long line-up before reaching my Precinct Polling Place and cast my sacred vote. Next time automated election the Commission must bids guarantee and durable PCOS Machines suited for a tropical country like Philippines. COMELEC and Smartmatic-TIM make it sure to the electorate will not experience the same technical difficulties and delays what voters feel today’s national polls. Voters disturb by confusion could not locate his/her names in the voters master lists; it could take time delays to get the precinct numbers.  For the shading of the official ballot it will only consume 3-5 minutes marking the choosing candidates. The Commission still has a lot of works adaptation and revision for better COMELEC in the future. Poll automation must patterns to the international standards of modern technology electoral modernization in modern democracy. One of my concerns is Ballot Secrecy Folders is not fit to the long ballot form, it seems is not secrecy, but an open ballot inserted to PCOS Machines even seen by the BEI.
Signal deficiency of transmitting volumes data from the Precinct Polling Places using Precinct Counting Optical Scan (PCOS) Machines to Municipal, Provincial and National Board of Canvassers is likely encountered delayed in comfort to reach the National Counts Center. When we observed modern US and Europe electoral processes, by the hour the winning candidates are known to the public and declare by the independent election Commission out-rightly.
Based on COMELEC official counting it shows LP opposition bet Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino-III is pretty sure the winner as newly elected President of the republic One Philippines. By seeing the result of local elected officials he needs coalition government. I suggest he should form unity government for his administration to survive. Liberal Party is likely a minority government of both Houses of Congress would prelude to “hung Congress” will not produce majority government of his administration. Aquino’s governments need support from both Houses of Congress for the smooth passage of his legislative agenda.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Independent Press of Zamboanga Peninsula, Inc. (IPZPI)
10-Point Guidelines for Choosing The Right Candidates
The officers, Board of Directors, and Member of the IPZPI will guide our electorate intelligently and wisely in their choices of local and national candidates on May 10, 2010 election.
1.      1. A candidate who possesses the required educational and technical qualifications, competences, skills, abilities, and desirable work ethics for the public office he seeks or aspire to occupy;
2.       2. Who make no distinction about the ethnicity, social status, economic status, educational background, historical and cultural origins or religious affiliations as long he/she a Filipinos. He treats all the inhabitants of the Philippines equally without prejudices, biases, and discriminatory acts on account of ethnicity. He deals with all of them with same level of respect and dignity;
3.       3. Who epitomizes and actualizes the processes, principles and ideals of a genuinely democratic, participatory, and pluralistically consultative governance;
4.       4. Who values, respects, and harnesses the useful, positive, and constructive ideas, talents, and leadership potentials of subordinates and ordinary citizens, and consult them comprehensively on all issues and concerns having to do with public welfare and interest;
5.      5  Who never dare or attempt even to the slightest degree, to dip his fingers into the coffers of the taxpayers or sovereign people and spend public funds to aggrandize himself or his family;
6.     6. Who demonstrates the highest sense of public ethics and morality and will never attempt to use public vehicles, equipment, and facilities to advance his personal and family interest;
7.      7. Who wholeheartedly works for the holistic and equitable expansion, development, and progress of this politically stunted republic toward the countryside, and empower the  different provinces, cities, municipalities and barangays to chart their own destiny without undue pressures and coercive influence from higher authorities;
8.     8.  Who shows the highest respect for the rule of law and an uncompromising adherence, devotion, and transparency in all government deals, transactions, and operation;
9.      9. Who considers the great republic as a common homeland for all the different cultural communities, and residents and not a a private property or exclusive territorial possession of a dynasty; and
10. 10.  Above all and most importantly, who manifests a deep and abiding faith in the Almighty and die-hard protector and defender of human rights, civil liberties, harmonious relation,  peaceful co-existence, and living side-by-side among the multi-cultural diversity population of the republic. 

Friday, May 7, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
The lost prestige name of COMELEC must restore.
Compact Flash Cards of the total 76,000 would be the cause of aberration set-back on the first automated national polls. COMELEC and Smartmatic-TIM are now under the suspicious of doubt from the electorate who are going to cast their votes on Monday May 10 election day. Since the time of immemorial this Commission is always full of controversies when election fever came into pictures, but, I cannot blame our citizenry and the electorate because the reputation of the Commission is tarnishes by their actuation of performances remain under questioned every election is conducted. We are not totally blame the Commission in their flap, but, how this institution very important to the foundation for democratic system of government supposes this should be a dignified quasi independent branch of public office. Citizenry express their complaints and sentiment COMELEC officials as always tags with bad names, and I hate to say this to the public allegedly, it’s branded KOMOLEK- collect and collect office perceive to be a crooked and corrupted public officials of the Commission. To Chairman Melo under your stewardship save the lost prestige and reputable name of this Commission and clean the doubt from the dirty mind of our politicians and the electorate.
COMELEC and Smartmatic-TIM confirmed today at least 60,000 reconfigures Flash Cards will be delivered to the Precinct Polling Places all over the regions, provinces and municipalities to beat the deadline as required by the Omnibus election laws. COMELEC Commissioner said, the Commission will target at least 70% of the total Precinct Polling Places all over country will have fully automated on May 10 national election, while the 30% of the polling places will go to manual counting due to the signal deficiency problem cause of not having or reaching by the Communication Carrier of our National Telecommunication Company.  With their valid explanation and reasons, I think, this is acceptable by our electorate who will cast their on Monday, May 10, 2010 National poll. With the ratio 70-30 figures of the technical glitches of the Compact Flash Cards Disc still very minimal, if there would be a Hi-tech fraud operator in the automated election of 2010. Independents poll watchdog and IT expert s must be aware of this possible scenario to minimize the election fraud using the advance and Hi-tech gadgets of the modern technologies.
Foreign Tipster: I would like to thanks the foreign friend who relay message to me of about the participation of foreign observers scattered all over the Philippines archipelago, as poll watchdog to the first automated election of this country. He relay also the participation of the foreign media for the full coverage in the conduct of Philippines national poll. He said further “Philippines election is the most awaited events of 2010 fully watch by the global community”. He leaves up message of hope to have clean and honest election and for a peaceful and orderly transition of power on July 1, 2010.
I will cast my on Monday with the grace of God in the hopes; this is a sacred vote is for the cause unity of great republic One Philippines. Whoever will be elected to lead us for the next years? He/she becomes the unification President Lead by example for an inclusive government to all Filipinos regardless who we are of multi-diversity people with different trait and cultures. For progress and development Filipinos must together as one society of the Southeast Asia, once is the number one nation from among neighbors of the Southeast Asia in term of an economic growth.

For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
Peaceful and Clean National Polls is the only hope for the smooth transition of power
In the international scene of politics recently Afghanistan, Iraq and Sudan-Darfur election have conducted their national polls very successful manned by an Independents Election Commission organized by the UN and the International Community. At the start of the organizing phases and campaign sorties these nations suffered of the tremendous casualties due to internal conflicts and civil strife. The occurrence of political violence’s are surmountable bloodies resulted of heavy tolls of death in the streets capital of these countries. But, despite of the reign of internal strife at the time of Election Day voters parading and line-up to the polling places and cast their votes enjoy their privilege rights under their Rights of Suffrage. By observing from the distance in the aftermath of post-election period of this trouble nations they are in transition for the smooth transfer power road for peaceful and stable states. From the point of view looking at their new political development of this trouble regions they are going to have a positive outlook and have quite political changes in the ground. Fresh mandate of new leaders is really the infinite solution to peaceful community of nations, if is really seriously done of the people and by the people for the people.
 COMELEC and Smartmatic Co. must address the short-coming on the CS Cards glitches by adopting affront technical measures for the reconfiguration of the memory cards of the PCOS Machines. Never allow our citizenry to go panic by simple glitches of the electronic voting systems. Commission and Smartmatic responsible IT experts are part of their jobs to have support system as contingency solution for the mal-function of PCOS Machines. When problem arises like what happens now to technical trouble of the PCOS Machines, it almost completed distributed to all Precinct Polling places. I suggest in order to have full confident of the electorates to fully achieve the Honest, Orderly, Peaceful and Election (HOPE). Technical support persons of the Commission and Smartmatic Co. must now in the area of their respective coverage’s all over the regions, provinces and municipalities assignment. An advance parties from the Commission should now task to the area of assignments.
Peaceful and smooth transition of power will rely to COMELEC on how to handle the election proceeding of this coming May 10 National polls. My only fears on the electoral process, if the schemes of “Hello Garci” experienced are repeating by the Commission. But, if they really fair enough to assure us and sustain the credibility of Commission, I don’t see any reasons we encounter political crisis and still in doubtful scenario to have a failure of election. I don’t think so, this will happen under this Commission. Pagbutihan mo Chairman Melo kayo ang referee sa mga mag-uumpugan higanteng politico ng republika natin.
With the strong endorsement of INC to LP bet Presidential candidate Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino-III I am fully confident the next president will be for the first time a bachelor in the next six years term. Kailan kaya mag-pakasal si Noynoy kay Konsehala Shalani dapat imbitado ang iyong abang lingkod. Hindi biro lang Noy….
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Monday, May 3, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
COMELEC should never allow to happen the failure of National polls.
The true guardian of democracy is the power of the people through electoral process. Our Constitution is the basic law of the state governing the democratic institution of the republic this cannot be denied by the persons and officials of the authority whether elected and appointed. As citizen of the nation, we have always the privilege rights to depend its Constitutional rights under our Bill of Rights in the articles of the Rights of Suffrage. The success of the May 10, 2010 national poll it depend how the COMELEC will handle the whole process of clean and credible election results by committing ourselves through Honest, Orderly, Peaceful Election (HOPE). No matter the dirty tricks kind of political maneuvering in precinct polling places will be applied, if the voters resist not accepting dirty kinds of politics in the ground. Electorates must have free will to votes on May 10 without fears, intimidations and coercions from the bad element of political supporters who wish to be elected by force of their leaders in a kind of electoral fraud not by a true mandate of the people.
As registered and qualified voters for May 10 election, we have the freedom to cast our sacred votes for a chosen leader to whom we trust and believe that the next president for the term of six years will surely lead us for an abundance of an opportunities deserve to be boldly and honest president. The power of elected leaders is in the hand of voters from the casting of votes shaded legibly in an almost two meters of official ballots of the COMELEC. Choice the best to whom you trust as our rightful leaders of our great republic.
On first poll automation let us all have faith in the conduct of electronic voting system. Both Houses of Congress passed the law for its purpose and then appropriated multi-million funds come from the national budget of the peoples’ tax money, just for the allotments of expenditures of this voluminous election equipment and paraphernalia. The Commission is just to have a modern system for the first time of automated election for this country.  Anyway, with the full participation of an expert of Information Technology (IT), independent polls watchdog, election volunteers, media observers both locals and international news organization will be there to have a full coverage of our historic election events of the Philippines.
I am fully aware and convince through experience using modern technologies whatever they are like PC, PCOS and other data equipment still on the process normal standard operating procedures- garbage in and garbage out. What you feed to PCOS machines is the outputs of the data results.  An IT expert knows it better for the full operation of the electronic gadgets of the COMELEC no doubt in it. All political parties and candidates must have trust to the IT they commissioned and hired for the security and safety of election results counted by the PCOS machines. Magtiwala tayo sa kakayahan ng Komisyon….
IPTV- is the secret of campaign strategies for Senator Benigno ‘Noynoy’ Aquino-III to reach as many voters both local and international audience.
Note: To all media colleagues happy World Press Freedom globally anywhere in this planet world.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

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