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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Strait from the Heart

Strait from the Heart
Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
Philippine business icon Mr. Manny V. Panglinan prompted to quit from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the elite school Ateneo de Manila University over barrowed speech from the well-known writer of seven sequel books Harry Potter Author J.K. Rowling and US President Barack Obama. No doubt of President Barack Obana capacity in communication, he is rare and unique person of a modern teleprompter communicator could hardly compare.  Pangilinan plagiarized speech when addressing academic community during the graduation rites, this was on March 27, he so felt very embarrassed Pangilinan said. Manny Pangilingan is a big time businessman Chairman of the country’s leading carrier, the Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company and its mobile phone Smart Communication. Some commented that blame should be placed on the Pangilinan’s speech writer, while others questioned why he didn’t see the similarities beforehand. He further comments “I have had some help in drafting my remarks but I take full responsibility for them”  It give a lot of personal discomfort to continue to be closely with the Ateneo affairs after the incident, he said. “ I am afraid the damage has been done- I really do not have a face to show after this.” I Think, what Mr. Pangilinan he should do now asking for public apology to the damages he has done to the academic affairs of the said University.
NP Presidential candidate Mnny B. Villar plagiarizes Argentine’s Presidential Murphy Lopez on his latest political ads. Political pundits’ keeps on attacking Manny Villar in somehow can hardly depend of their many lapses that could not match the effectiveness of campaign strategies of the opposition presidential candidate Noynoy Aquino-III. Noynoy-Mar tandem leads the latest survey results of Pulse Asia and Manila Standard. Villaroyo issue and links to some known personalities close to the first family who confirmed the alliances with NP now, it really damage the popularity of Manny Villar. If Noynoy can sustain his campaign up to the last ditch of campaign period he will be the next president of the republic. He must also take-care of political butterflies or turncoatism, he might make him unpopular or set-back for his political posture and popularity.
Peace effort- shared vision towards understanding each other without singling suspicious to particular religion. Erase the doubt of an enmity that creates division between communities. We respect all religions of all faiths based on tolerance in the aspect of mutual respect and mutual interest for the safety-net of our global citizens.
President Obama’s student – Aid programs gives hard-up families chances to make Americans children finish college courses. If only Philippines can copy this- What a better life it offer the Filipinos family of less opportunity to cope-up with the education cost of this country.
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