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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Straight from the Heart
Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
The appointment of Western Mindanao State University (WMSU) President Dr. Grace Rebollos to the peace panel stirs controversial issue for the local leaders of Zamboanga City. There are  from both pros and cons -Vice Mayoralty Candidate  Chrisanto ‘Monsi ‘ dela Cruz is on pro side with his justification released to local media, while incumbent Mayor Celso Lobregat is on con side the same also with released statement both in broadcast and print media particularly to Zampen Journal. Zamboanga City by nature every personality involved in the peace talk negotiation is always at risk and considers his/her works in the hot-seat. Reminding the two gentlemen global community including myself is an advocate of a peaceful world almost eighty percents of my short write-up are related to peace works for a peaceful world. We must all join to the bandwagon of peaceful global citizens.
Presidential Candidates Eddie Villanueva and Noynoy Aquino-III comments come at a time on the last minute ditch of PGMA mid-night appointments for the trusted men and women officials of her administration. Naturally, PGMA moves to place trusted people in key positions under her wings are for the purpose of saving face and safety-net. Reminding Brother Eddie and Noynoy if there will be a mis-deed and mess in nine years in the Palace, she should safe and protected from legal suit when new President assume office on July 1, 2010. I think, this is a wise move for President Arroyo. Talagang mautak si Madam GMA Brother Eddie…

Key success of the peace process remain in the hands of the tri-parties involved, the US, Israel and the Palestinians Authorities. The ball is now in the hand of Israelis Government for final settlement. The new row of conflict is the expansion 1,600 housing units in the East Jerusalem claimed by the Palestinians Authorities is their future state capital or seat of government. The role of US-peace brokers is to pressure Israel not to continue the cause and effect of conflict, meaning to stop the construction of housing units in East Jerusalem. Then, US and International Community must fulfill their commitment of two states solution for global community to attain the real and genuine peaceful world. The collapse of peace process is another round of unending trouble world. We must all serious for the root cause and effect of an infinite conflicts decision must be done to save us from conflagrations of the division between the Muslims world and the west. I don’t want to see again the heavy tolls the lost of human lives and devastating collateral damages to properties in the heart of Gaza Strips and West Bank and the heartbreaking memories of Gaza conflicts.

Jerusalem is the Israeli Government consider number one obstacle to the final peace process with the Palestinians Authority. I have suggested many times in some of my over the decades continuing short write-up to the world on selected e-media and social networks.  Jerusalem should open for all religions nobody should claims by Muslims, Jews and other sects. The goals is for the protection of the sacred sites Masjiril Aqsa (Mosque) Rock Dome belong to the Muslims faith and the Holy City is for the Jews, Christianity and other worshippers  in order two states solution be resolved in due time. Hopes parties be amenable for this proposal in the name of genuine and lasting peace in the Mideast.
Political violence continues at the heart of Iraq Capital- to the Iraqis they should accept the new mandate of elected officials. This how democracy at works by electoral process not by the barrel of guns, reminding them for those candidates garnered highest votes, he/she the winners and those candidates get minority votes they are losers.
Israelis Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speech at AIPAC is thoroughly watch by global community, I expect the message will come-up with wisdom for a genuine peaceful resolution in the Middle East. Two states solution is the hopes for achieving permanent peaceful community in the Mideast.
Former Prime Minister Ayad Alawwi of Iraq is pretty sure garnered majority votes from secular political bloc after Independent Electoral Commission announced the post-election results. PM Alawwi should now form a unity government a coalition government that bring Iraqis together for a nation of solid foundation committed to the rule of law and democratic institution erase the sectarian motives or violence from their heart and mind. They should think for their future for an advancement of global competiveness for the 21st Century. PM Alawwi a new hope for the Iraqi people from the ravages of postwar a time for recovery of new Iraq inclusive government to all Iraqis.
Arab leaders’ calls for Jerusalem summit should come-up with final resolution for the Israelis and Palestinians peace efforts. They should never allow failing for a genuine and lasting peaceful world. The key measures are now in the hands of all stakeholders of both the Muslim world and the west. We cannot afford to witness the next round of human carnage in the Middle East. God forbid how the precious of human lives labor by the world couple under the Supreme guidance of the Great Almighty God…
For comment and suggestion please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Straight from the Heart
Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
Frequently black-out for 8 hours affecting the industry sector based around Zamboanga City, businesses suffering losses, productions is declining to the lowest level. Small businesses are really affected by this power shortages especially rely on the electricity distribution. While the household consumers, they are the victims of the twin crisis-water and power supplies plus factor the crisis of the empty pocket to the cause effect of the El-Nino phenomenon. City government has no contingency plan ahead for this two basic human necessity suppose to have enough supplies until rainy season comes in May.
By mere observation and the clamor of Zamboangeno they will vote for Noynoy Aquino this coming May 10 National election. By tradition Zamboanga voters always in the opposite side not supporting the administration candidates. Villar is affected too much because of C-5 controversy and the allege Villaroyo secret alliance as exposed by an expert of political pundit in fb and other social network. At the end of the heat-up campaign trail Noynoy will get mass supports if they can refine much better of their political ads a clear message that can reach the heart and mind of voters who really wanted for change of our political landscape.
Bureau of Tax Revenue in massive campaigns for the collection of taxes to heat the target for the 1st quarter of 2010, the target is the tax evaders nationwide, imagine number one tax evader is the Central Bank of the Philippines (BSP) with uncollected tax return amounting of Php2 Billion and the number two tax evader is MMDA worth of Php200 Million uncollected tax return.
Left hand President Barack O. signed historic health care overhaul bill into final law. Congrats to all Team Barack O. Review once again the campaign promises, you can never go down Americans will realize it, what is really the Audacity of Hopes written in Bantam Book…
GOPs last ditch to derail the implementation the health care overhaul bill. In the pursuing acts they are defeated when health bill is succeeded to serve the Americans public…
Zamboangeno once again in an advantage position in the ladle of education for global competitiveness as proposed by Dep-Ed Spanish curriculum or subject will be included in the curricula.
For comment and suggestion please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
Guimaras Province is newly created province of Panay Island adjacent to the City of Iloilo compose of five Municipality seats of Local Government Units with two district representatives. I am 100 percent pros to the creation of 3rd District of Zamboanga City, base on the assumption of geographical sizes.  Zamboanga City is on the advantage position situated part of Western Mindanao region to enable become vibrant and progressive city to catch-up Cagayan de Oro, Davao City and Gensan Province. Zamboanga City is a center for commerce of the Western region of Mindanao need fast-track development aiming for modernization toward sustainable growth.
Based on Prof. Bien Fernandez latest survey the respondents favor the creation of 3rd Congressional District of the city. I think survey results is speak for itself no doubt Zamboangeno express their willingness to have one additional district created. Back to Guimaras Province a small Islet can create two district representatives, why Zamboanga City cannot do it the same with his biggest in number of population density, huge resources and geographical location.
Zamboanga  City must be the place for everybody belong to the multi-cultural diversity living together under one community of mutual respects and mutual interest. By being the city of flowers must also the city of love mingling for diverse ethnicity devoid all kinds of hatred inflicted in our mind and heart attaining peaceful co-existence as preached day-to-day by global community.
Thinking for more accommodation rather than isolation to minority to gain the momentum of real progress of Zamboanga City and Western Mindanao.

          Teen charge in NJ Walmart racial comment case- Yahoo news- This kind of racial slur language really hurting minority, I belong to minority in my country. This comment should be avoided to hurt the feeling of African American colored people.



Tea party protesters call  Georgia's John Lewis 'nigger'- Yahoo News- MLK memories should not repealed in modern U.S.A. race slur campaign must stop devoid incivility. This is not the time for civil disobedience...



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20th National Tuna Congress Broke Records!

Ms. Rosana Contreras, Executive Director of Socsksargen Fishing and Allied Industries Incorporated (SFFAII), Friday, said that the 20 th N...