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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Poverty and Politics

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Poverty and Politics

Commentator in the 2nd pix

Alleviating poverty in the Philippines is an elusive dream. Researchers and development workers on poverty alleviation have already gone rich, yet their subjects remain in that destitute state.

Former (ousted) president Erap was so popular because of his pro-poor stance as captured in his slogan, Erap para sa mahihirap. But if only Erap succeeds in his anti-poverty program, he could very well replace Dr. Jose Rizal as the next national hero.

Nobody in this world chooses to be poor, as being born poor is purely an accident. If only our leaders believe this premise, they have then that moral obligation to radically address the issue.

The vicious cycle revisited. How would poverty be really alleviated? Some said, it's through education, others said, through health services, agriculture, housing, population management, and what have you. Remember the vicious cycle, one is poor because he has no good education; he can not go to school because he is sickly; he is sickly because he lacks food and nutrition, and he lacks these things because he is poor.

Erap is coming back to the political arena. With the extent and magnitude of poverty in the Philippines, other presidentiables have indeed a good reason to be afraid of Erap. As Erap insisted he is not seeking re-election as president (because he admits he was unable to complete his term), he could still conveniently use poverty as his winning strategy. (JSF Blogs)

Friday, October 16, 2009

First Muslim Mayor of Rotterdam

First Muslim Mayor of Rotterdam

Photo by Robert Vos, Associated Press
Photo by Robert Vos, Associated Press
Some people, both inside and outside the Muslim community, question whether Muslims should become involved in politics at all. The portrayal of the intersection of politics and religion in most mainstream media coverage of Islam leads to questions of where a Muslim politician’s loyalties might lie and whether personal faith might interfere with the job performance of an official who is supposed to act in the best interest of a broader population. It would seem that these questions should be asked of anyone of any faith who chooses to enter public office, but it seems that Muslims are singled out for special scrutiny.
These concerns are increasingly important as the number of Muslim politicians in the Western world increases. In the United States, for example, Representative Keith Ellison (D-Minnesota) became a highly visible example, especially when he asked to be sworn in on Thomas Jefferson’s copy of the Qur’an. Of course the increased involvement of Muslims in Western politics is not limited to the United States. In fact, the rapidly growing Muslim presence in Europe makes it only natural that Muslim Europeans would want to go into politics to give voice to some of the concerns of not only Muslim but also non-Muslim constituents. One such example is the mayor of Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Ahmed Aboutaleb became the first Muslim immigrant to become mayor of a major Dutch city this past January. The appointment of Aboutaleb, a Moroccan-born immigrant, has created controversy in Rotterdam, which has witnessed serious clashes over the issue of immigration.Geert Wilders, leader of the right-wing Dutch Party for Freedom, is among the most vocal of those that have questioned Aboutaleb’s loyalties. Wilders has demanded that Aboutaleb give up his Moroccan passport as a gesture of his loyalty to the Netherlands. Muslims, on the other hand, are excited and hope he can begin to build the necessary bridges between Muslims and non-Muslims there. There are also non-Muslims who support Aboutaleb as mayor, but even they seem to believe it is important that he prioritize the issue of integrating Muslims into Europe over other topics.
The competing demands will not be easy to balance. Aboutaleb has already received criticism from some Muslims for expressing support over the firing of Tariq Ramadan, a prominent Islamic scholar, and from non-Muslims who question an official trip he made to Morocco in June. Whatever the concerns of both sides, however, Aboutaleb’s appointment represents an important step for Muslims in Europe and other Western nations. It is not just a question of integration, but also one of participation in the larger society.
What do you think of Muslim participation in politics? Should someone’s faith play a role in whether they are involved in politics or not? What does integration mean for Muslims in Europe? Please leave your comments.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Business Environment in Singapore

Tuesday, October 13, 2009 in the world to live, work, do business

I always have some reservations about Singapore. It could be due to the 'friendly war' between the two neighboring countries which used to be one nation.

Singapore has excelled beyond the expectations in so many fronts. We are lagging behind except in fields such as corruptions, crimes etc.

We are envious to the'dot' state achievements...yes, we are, there some things better about Malaysia, however, we are just a country between Singapore and Thailand....that's reality while our slogans keep changing without real meaning....1Malaysia would fade away as the others...and who remember Hadhari (except the images of sleeping PM)? Cemerlang, Gemilang, Terbilang?

Singapore beckons

According to the World Bank's recent Doing Business 2010 report, it takes only three days to launch a business there.
  • By Jumana Al Tamimi, Associate Editor
  • Published: 00:00 October 13, 2009
  • For the fourth year in a row, Singapore has managed to keep its top position as the easiest place to do business in the world despite the global financial crisis.
  • Image Credit: Supplied
If patience isn't your best trait, go to Singapore. According to the World Bank's recent Doing Business 2010 report, it takes only three days to launch a business there. This compares to 8.1 days in the East Asia and Pacific region; and 5.7 days in any of the members of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
For the fourth year in a row, the island-state has managed to keep its top position as the easiest place to do business in the world despite the global financial crisis.
However, it has not escaped unscathed. Many economic sectors were hit, particularly trade and tourism. The number of visitor arrivals to Singapore in May 2009 at 730,000 was 13 per cent lower year-on-year, according to official figures.
Yet, the cloud has its silver lining, and the crisis has brought more talent to the country.
"People became scared and careful," said Daisy Goh, Regional Director, Middle East at the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB).
"It made many Westerners look to Asia for opportunities," she said.
"Many of those who lost their jobs in Europe and America have arrived here searching for a job," she said, adding that the country is carrying out an active strategy to attract talent.
According to official figures, one in three people out of Singapore's total workforce is a foreigner, which makes 33 per cent of the nearly three million labour force in the country foreigners.
Singapore was rated the best place for Asians to live in, having the best city infrastructure in the world.
It is also voted the best place in the world for expatriates to live in, according to some international surveys, followed by the UAE and the US.
The pace of life there seems very fast, and very similar to the developed nations.
Busy airport
The time difference with the rest of the world is not in favour of the Singaporeans, but they prefer not to look at it as an obstacle. Some say, on the contrary, it can be a reason for more cooperation among different countries.
Changi Airport is among the 10 busiest in the world in terms of international passenger movement, whereas some of the best known factories in the world for integrated circuits, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals and diodes and transistors are based there.
"We are a first world economy in a third world region," Lee Yi Shyan, minister of state for trade and industry and manpower in Singapore, told a group of visiting journalists from the Middle East.
Describing the Singaporean example as "interesting", he added: "People are wondering how we built it," referring to the young country that celebrated its 44 years of independence last August.
Interestingly enough, countries keen to learn more of the Singaporean system include China, which has sent thousands of its officials throughout the past years to Singapore, as well as many countries in the region.
For a country of only 704 square kilometres with a population of nearly 5 million and no natural resources, it has to depend mainly on the human resources element, as well as its strategic geographic location in the east.
"Your geography is your destiny," the EDB's Goh quoted founders of the country as saying.
The geographic location explains why trade and investment constitute the aorta of Singapore's economy.
Overseas investments
Singapore has the world's highest trade to GDP ratio, with imports and exports around 3.5 times its GDP.
In 2008, the country's GDP amounted to $257 billion (Dh943 billion), while total trade amounted to $928 billion.
Official figures also show that foreign direct investment (FDI) increased by 23.4 per cent from $370 billion at the end of 2006 to $457 billion at the end of 2007.
The UK, the Netherlands, the US and Japan top the list of FDI sources.
On the other hand, Singapore's overseas investments rose by 22.1 per cent from $243.7 billion at the end of 2006, to $297.6 billion at the end of 2007. Top countries for Singaporean investments include Vietnam, Indonesia, China and Malaysia.
Other important main economic sources include the energy sector, which makes the country an undisputed oil hub in Asia and one of the world's top three export refining centres.
As for non-oil exports in 2008, electronics, petrochemicals, pharmaceutical are manufactured in Singapore, but not as final products. They are assembled abroad.
Nearly 90 of the world's top pharmaceutical companies are based in Singapore and produce "active ingredients" for these products to be finished abroad, officials explain.
A large chunk of Singapore's 2008 GDP ($179 billion) came from manufacturing with nearly 20 per cent, followed by wholesale and retail trade with 17 per cent, business services with 14 per cent and 13 per cent for financial services, according to official statistics.
With nearly 39 per cent, chemicals manufacturing constituted the largest part of manufacturing output in 2008, amounting to $180 billion. This is followed by electronics with 27 per cent.
In cases of emergencies, expensive small packages of pharmaceutical products or small electronic parts can be shipped any time, Shyan said.
In urgent times, a briefcase with a product worth billions of US dollars will be carried by someone, escorted by a small number of security men who will board a flight to the targeted destination, Shyan said.
"Singapore is doing very well because of people's trust," he added.
"Trust is a very important element in Singapore's brand."
According to surveys, Singapore is Asia's safest country, with the lowest risk index. The risk index takes into consideration political risk, social instability and systemic risk.
Minimising fraud
"We built the environment that makes fraud very difficult, and minimise fraud and corruption," Goh said.
The EDB is the body concerned with building strong relations with the rest of the world through boosting foreign investments and creates sustainable Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the country by providing good jobs and business opportunities for its people.
A distinguished feature of the organisational structure of Singaporean institutions is the clear specialisation of these organisations, and their different missions.
As an example, the Singapore Cooperation Enterprise (SCE) is mainly concerned with promoting the country's experience and shares it with other interested countries.
These fields include urban planning, enterprise developments, e-government and transport. China tops the potential regions to be followed by South Asia, Africa, Middle East and South America.
The SCE has already initiated contacts with many partners in the Middle East region, which many officials describe as "a young market with potential", that they are interested in entering "through the Middle East".
Several representation offices for Singaporean organisations have been opened in different Arab cities, including Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Doha, Riyadh, Jeddah and Cairo.
Furthermore, a Free Trade Agreement (FTA) was concluded between the EDB and the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and signed in December 2008. After the agreement ratification by all members of the GCC, it will be in effect.
The FTA, which will strengthen bilateral economic relations, is expected to "encourage investment" as well as trade size between the two sides Shyan said, giving the example of halal food, which Singapore hopes to increase its exports of to the region.
While many compare Singapore with Dubai, in many aspects, Singaporean officials believe this is "natural".
"We can't stop people from comparing," said Alvin Lim, Director at the Middle East, North Africa and Central Asia and Latin America at the SCE during a recent meeting with journalists from the Middle East.
"This [comparison] is a benchmark," he added. "It will show where we are on the benchmark."

Saturday, October 10, 2009

My Personal Congratulation to President Barack Obama

You deserved to receive prestigious Nobel Peace Prize destined to be selected only few public figure who chosen by the organizers of the awarding body of the Nobel Peace Organization. As an advocate of peaceful world in one way or the other fully extend my warm Congratulations for the new achievement you have have received Viva Mr. President…Thank you also for an inspired letter you wrote for us, as an advocates of peace, am just received now. You should received the Award in wholeheartedly….

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Mga taga northern Luzon doble ingat malakas si Pepeng ihanda ang mga emergency kits, makinig sa radyo, pumunta sa safe na lugar at mag monitor sa command post ng LGU sa inyong lugar.

20th National Tuna Congress Broke Records!

Ms. Rosana Contreras, Executive Director of Socsksargen Fishing and Allied Industries Incorporated (SFFAII), Friday, said that the 20 th N...