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Saturday, June 21, 2014

City issued overtime work for CTO employees

GENERAL SANTOS CITY - As a result of the recent decision of the court to issue an extension of the Temporary Restraining Order(TRO) continuing the function of City Treasurer's Office OIC Rodilon Lacap as
city treasurer, City Mayor Ronnel Rivera authorized front-liner workers of the said office to render overtime services with pay to make up for the 2 days that the office activities were suspended.

"In the exigency of service, the workers will render overtime services with pay on June 21 and 28, 2014 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm to ensure delivery of service to customers are promptly catered and delivered beyond office hours," the memo states.

A "No Transaction" sign was put up 2 days ago at the City Treasurer's Office declaring suspension of work due to a row wherein the present administration is questioning the appointment of Atty Jose Gonzales as the new city treasurer.

Generally, the memo was issued to safeguard and protect the interest of the government, and all collections acquired from business permits, licenses and other official transactions properly accounted for at the end of the day.(C. Sulit/CPIO)

Friday, June 20, 2014

45TH Foundation Anniversary of Malapatan

45TH Foundation Anniversary of Malapatan
By. Abs Damahan
MALAPATAN SARANGANI (ABSDMAHAN’SLIVE-STREAM NEWS TV/ June 19, 2014) The 9th PAKARADYAN Festival from June 17-21, 2014 with the theme: Embracing Culture in Shaping Development is a show casing of the rich culture of the native mixed of the traditional tribes of Maguindanun and Blaan. The colorful traditional cloth and prestige are still there weaving cloth of the famous Blaan households’ one of the human interest for local tourist and visitors who visited Malapatan Town Hall.
Rich Maguindanun cultures in the local term PAKARADYAN which means festivity often held with a Kanduli (thanksgiving), accompanied by celebration Pagana (feast) which may come as a Kagkawing (wedding celebration), Qadtamat (Qur-an Reading), Tanda (Baptismal rite), Salangguni (pamanhikan), Kadsalam (circumcision), Kapanggaygayan (gathering in respect of the death of a love one), Eid’l Ftr (end of Ramadhan), Eid’l Adha (Hadji Pilgrimage feast of sacrifice), and the likes. Its equivalent to non-Maguindanaon would be also consider any Filipino fiesta celebration, and serve meal attended by many guests and visitors, often held in honor of a particular occasion. 
The non-Muslim culture and practices are preserve and protected will full support from the local government in long days festivities.
In the Schedule of Events in their Calendar of Activities of the 9th PAKARADYAN Festival and 45th Foundation Anniversary which started from June 17, 2014 and closing and awarding ceremony will be on June 21, 2014 as finale of programs of activities. Local Executive of Malapatan Mayor Alfonso M. Singcoy Sr. will be the spearheaded of the PAKARADYAN together with all local officials of Malapatan Municipality, the Office of Vice Mayor Hon. Jimmy T. Bagit, the Sangguniang Bayan, the national line agencies who established offices in  Malapatan, the PNP and AFP and the Barangay officials one way or the other are part of the Foundation Anniversary  as well the most of it all the constituents of LGU Malapatan under the cares of the local government in public service and livelihood assistance.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

1st MSME Regional Congress

1st MSME Regional Congress
By. Abs Damahan
GENERAL SANTOS CITY (ABSDMAHAN’SLIVE-STREAM NEWS TV/ June 17, 2014) The opening of the 1st  MSME Congress with the Theme: “YAbong Maliliit na Negosyo sa Rehiyon 12” at KCC Mall Convention Center, General Santos City from June 17-18, 2014. The congress is formally declared opened by Ms. Rosanna Bernadette B. Contreras President, GSC SMEDCI Chair, 1st MSME Regional Congress, she said, SMED Council Boards will pass 10 Resolutions to the National line agencies and possible to the Congress of the Philippines that will boost and support small businesses of Region 12 in particular members of MSME organization and association, Contreras said. The objectives of the congress will be venue of the small business group to tackles issues and concern that will hampers local business growth for example power crisis, higher interest from bank loan, to establish a supportive  and encouraging repayment scheme and good delivery mechanism distinctive, advantageous , and appropriate for micro enterprise suppliers considering their specific needs and capacity. This address to large retailers, including among others commercial shopping malls and supermarkets operating in region12 and some problems related to business operation with in SOCCSKSARGEN.
One main concern of the SMED Council, by 2015 ASEAN Integration will be implemented whether we like or not, this will compose of 10 nation’s member of the ASEAN block. Ms Contreras said, “Unfortunately, small business like us in the MSME is not ready yet for that compliance in the ASEAN Integration maybe the big business group, I think they are prepared for the Integration, she said.
Mayor Ronnel Rivera normally is the Welcome Address being businessman, he knew more than enough in business strategy and concept. He is a successful politician and businessman in his turf. He talked more on how small business group will success in the City of GenSan and businesses operated in region 12 too.
But on the contrary for ASEAN Integration Ms Joji Ilagan-Bian said, “On Human resources, we more than ready to compare with other members of ASEAN, maybe in some sector they need to prepares and comply on the new policy of the ASEAN Integration”. The same view also with Mayor Ronnel Rivera, “ LGU of GenSan City will surely comply for the ASEAN Integration by 2015”.

In the presentation of Business permits and licenses for new applications and renewal among SOCCSKSARGEN and region 12, GenSan City is on the top favorite investment hub both local and foreign investors. By now, power supply is improved without brown-out, water supply is sufficient and peace and order is generally peaceful, there are only petty crimes recorded in the PNP Crime Index consider is normal situation.

12th Yaman GENSAN 2014

12th Yaman GENSAN 2014
By. Abs Damahan
GENERAL SANTOS CITY (ABSDAMAHAN’SLIVE-STREAM NEWS TV/ June 19, 2014) 12th Yaman GENSAN has the calendar of activities and will start to kick-off tomorrow June 20, 2014, YAMAN GENSAN Motorcade June 20, 2014, 9:00 am, Oval Plaza Covered Court. The opening ceremony, June 20, 2014, 10:00 am, Veranza Mall and the closing and awarding ceremony will be on July 22, 2014.
The sequence and series of Business seminars of Yaman GENSAN is on top of the lines in their Calendar of Activities.  Interested stakeholders and participants who would like to take short courses to become entrepreneurs or negosyante what they should do first, please feel free to contact the organizers/ Contact Person and their Contact Numbers. And then, they have to register to the course do they want to take part in YG on schedules and chosen venue.
 Since 2006, SMEDCI has been the implementor-partner of the local Government of General Santos City for its MSME projects such as the
Yabong Maliliit na Negosyo sa Gensan which we fondly call YAMAN GENSAN is the month-long business festival of the city which usually runs from mid of June till med of July.
YG stands to provide basic information and assistance to current and prospective entrepreneurs, facilitate access to technology and financing, initiate business development and promotion activities, and link local MSMEs with counterpart industry associations.
It showcase trade fairs, for a, conferences, seminars and trainings;  From day 1 of its inception, SMEDCI had organized over 300 activities with over forty thousand participants from Day 1.
Last year alone, 52 activities were organized which attached an estimated 5,159 participants.
SMEDCI is also the LGU’s partner for the Intellectual Property Business Development Services Project and
One Town, One Product or OTOP project.
In 2009, it was recognized and awarded by DTI, OTOP Philippines and SMED Council Region XII as the City Outstanding OTOP Partner for the years 2005-2009
And the Outstanding OTOP Partner in Region 12.
In 2010, SMEDCI was recognized by the National OTOP Awards and awarded as the 2010 Most Supportive OTOP Partner Organization Finalist. Over the years, as my predecessor Ms. Tess Pacheco would say, “in our own little ways we have continuously touched the lives of entrepreneurs”.

Prospect entrepreneurs and investors would join this long celebration of Yaman GENSAN 2014. Sige larga mag Negosyo na!


By.  ABSDAMAHAN’SLIVE-STREAM NEWS TV/ June 17, 2014) Public Hearing on case study at Session Hall General Santos City. On their 46th Regular Session Sangguniang Panglungsod.
Researchers: V.C. Gallego, C.E., Gallego and L.S. Doronio, SRS II and Scientist I, Division Chief III and Laboratory Aide. Crop Protection Division, Davao Research Center, Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA)
Case Study
An unidentified parasitoid attacking coconut scale insect (CSI), Aspidiotus sp. was discovered after series of intensive field survey and collection in Davao region. The said wasp was suspected to be genus of Aphytis and observed to be a potential biological control agent of the pest.
Initial results on its biology and behavior under laboratory condition and their efficiency in the field were conducted at PCA-Davao Research Center. Successful mass production protocol of the parasitoid in the laboratory was developed. The technique involves rearing of coconut scale insect on the squash fruits as host of the parasitoid. This method is currently being used to produce considerable number of parasitoids for field release in scale insect-infested areas.
A satellite laboratory for the mass propagation of the parasitoid was established in Isabela City, Basilan for the control of coconut scale insect (CSI) infestation in the island. A large mass production laboratory is being proposed in Batangas and Laguna where heavy CSI infestation was found.
·         Aspidiotus sp. Are tiny sucking insects found attached and fed on the underside of coconut leaves; and also found on the nuts.
·         In advance cases: affected leaflets may dry out due to sap loss, wilting of fronds and finally wither, premature nut-fall, significant yield reduction and death of the palm.
·         The initial outbreak of the pest was reported in Tanauan, Batangas in 2010 and spreading to adjacent areas in Southern Luzon.
·         Two years after, the coconut trees in the Island of Basilan was infested by the same pest.
·         PCA already implemented control strategies such as leaf pruning of infested leaves/fronds, fertilizer application, spraying with cochin oil, insecticide spraying and release of predatory coccinellid beetles.

A.      Explore mass rearing technques
B.      Conduct initial biological studies (life cycle, fecundity, longevity)
C.      Conduct hands-on training on the mass production of the parasitoids

A.      Rearing of the host coconut scale insect
1. Secure clean mature squash fruits and CSI infested leaves
2. Allow CSI crawlers to transfer onto squash fruits.
3. Once CSI are established, keep squash in individual rearing tray until crawlers developed into 2nd instars for parasitization process.
4. Prepare as many infested squash in larger plastic trays for the introduction of the parasitoids.
    B.  Rearing the Unidentified Parasitoid
            1. Healthy and parasitized CSI on squash place together in larger rearing tray for parasitization.
            2. After one week, remove the introduced squash (la) from the rearing tray and transfer to another tray for parasitoid emergence.
            3.Replace or introduce another healthy 2nd instar CSI on squash ( same as la ) for parasitization.
            4. Repeat the procedures from 1 to 3 for continuous mass production of the unidentified parasitoid. Make sure there are still emerging adult parasitoids from the parasitized CSI ( 1b )
           5. The parasitized CSI on the squash ( at least 15 day old from exposure ) are now ready for field release.
C. Method of Release in the Field
      1. Release two pieces of squash with paralyzed CSI per hectare. Allow emerging parasitoids to fly freely and find its host. Repeat field releases monthly once stocks are available.
Initial studies on the biology, emergence and efficiency of the unidentified CSI parasitoid
·         Total developmental period. 17.67 days ( from egg to adult emergence ).
·         One mated female parasitoid can produced an ave. of 6.53 wasps.
·         Adult longevity can be enhanced to 3.07 days when fed with honey.
·         Emergence of the parasitoids is ver pronounce in the morning with 81.17% emergence.
·         Initial observation on the field efficiency of the parasitoid revealed 29.88% parasitism.


·         The unidentified parasitoid suspected to the Aphytis sp. Can be a potential biological control agent against the coconut scale insect.
·         Biological control using this parasitoid can be a long term control strategy for the CSI to reduce its population into a manageable level.
·         Therefore, to produce considerable number of the parasitoids for the field release, a large mass production laboratory should be established in the CSI outbreak areas.

Monday, June 16, 2014

116th Anniversary Independent Day 2014

116th Anniversary Independent Day 2014
By. Abs Damahan
General Santos City (ABSDAMAHAN’SLIVE-STREAM NEWS TV/ June 12, 2014) The programme of Independent Day 2014 in the City of General Santos has started at early dawn this morning at around 5:45 A. M. at Plaza Heneral Santos (Junction Pioneer-Pendatun Avenues) culminating the sequence of normal activities prepared by the City Government of General Santos such as: The traditional singing of the National Anthem, raising of the Philippine Flag, Wreath Laying and Twenty –one guns salute this was the highlights of the Kalayaan 2014 with the Theme: “Pagsunod sa Yapak ng mga Dakilang Pilipino, tungo sa Malawakan at Permanenteng Pagbabago.”
Kalayaan 2014 celebration who led officially by no less than the City Mayor Ronnel Rivera of General Santos and other national line agencies who established offices here in GenSan, DepEd, Philippine National Police (PNP), Armed Forces of the Philippine (AFP) and local officials of the City government of GenSan and Barangay Officials. Of course the Independent Messages of the two city officials Mayor Ronnel  C. Rivera and Hon. Dominador S. Lagare III Acting Vice Mayor on the 116th Anniversary Philippine Independent Day.  The two speakers remind for such true essence of core value and spirit of independent hard fought by our forefathers in the defense of our nation from foreign invaders. And this will translate and transform into progress and development for the entire nation building, go beyond our expectation for moral and spiritual recovery that address genuine change and reform in our system.
From the positive side on peace and order has improved and sustained over a couple of months passed PNP and other local law enforcers have responded to the calls of their duty, Mayor Rivera said, power shortage has been resolved by the power provider likes: SOCOTECO and Peak Power SOCSARGEN, Inc., to ease the power crisis in GEnSan. Projects on timelines as goes-on, Mayor Rivera said.
On the side of our 116th Anniversary of Independent Day, the negative side is the labor dispute between the Citra Mina Group of Companies (CMGC) and United Workers of Citra Mina Group of Companies Union (UWCMGCU), came into the pictures conducted lite rally without permit from the Mayor’s Office in front of the Plaza Heneral Santos at the time of the program of the City government for Kalayaan 2014. Labor Union leaders expressed their grievances to Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), City Government of GenSan and more particular to the Owner and Management of Citra Mina Group of Companies for unfair labor practices and many others complaint to Citra Mina Company. The company response to labor union, In Re: Petition for Cancellation of Registration of Samahang United Workers of Citra Mina Group of Companies (UWCMGU). But on the course of action from DOLE labor-arbiter Atty. Maria Consuelo s. Bacay promulgated decision to: Petitioner-Appellee, Intervenors-Appellee and Respondent-Appellant.
Decision- This resolves the Motion for Consideration treated as an Appeal of the Samahang United Workers of Citra Mina Group of Companies Union (UWCMGCU) from the Order dated 19 February 2014 issued by DOLE Regional Office No. XII Director Ofelia B. Domingo, the dispositive portion of which reads:
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the petition and petition-in-intervention is hereby GRANTED. The Certificate of Registration of Samahang United Workers of Citra Mina Group of Companies (UWCMGCU) No. XII-GSC-07-2013-001 issued on July 2013 is revoked. The respondent union is delisted from the roster labor unions and divested of its rights and privileges as legitimate union.
The Respondent-Appellant UWCMGC was given chance with-in five (5) days period to response  for DOLE Arbiter to appeal of this labor dispute case.
In their UWCMGCU) response petition-appellant read in the last page:
In closing, let it be stated once more that the right of the people, including those employed in the public and private sector, to form unions, associations or societies for the purpose not contrary to law shall not be abridged. 16 The State guarantees the right of all workers to self-organization, collective bargaining and negotiation, and peaceful concerted activities, including the right to strike in accordance with law. 17
WHEREFORE, the Motion for Reconsideration herein treated as an Appeal is hereby GRANTED and SET ASIDE.
The Samahang United Workers of Citra Mina Group of Companies Union (UMCMGCU) with Certificate of Registration No. XII-GSC-07-2013-001 shall remain in the roster of legitimate labor organization with all the rights and privileges appurtenant thereto.
Manila Philippines May 30, 2014


Tuesday, June 3, 2014

JOJOBAMA in the up-bit lead trending.

JOJOBAMA will potentially be the next strong presidentiable candidate for 2016, if the political trending continue to hit the ground. His popularity remained in the up-bit reaching Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.

20th National Tuna Congress Broke Records!

Ms. Rosana Contreras, Executive Director of Socsksargen Fishing and Allied Industries Incorporated (SFFAII), Friday, said that the 20 th N...