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Friday, October 15, 2010

Aquino Grants Amnesty to Trillanes and other Soldiers

Posted: 11 Oct 2010 07:26 PM PDT

President Aquino grants amnesty to Sen. Antonio Trillanes IV and all the other soldiers charged for standing up to Gloria Arroyo.
Concurrence of both houses of Congress is expected to follow in the coming days. Some 160 members of the House of Representatives and 17 senators have earlier signed separate resolutions urging the President to grant amnesty to the rebel soldiers. They are expected to concur with the proclamation.
The proclamation also approves the re-integration of the service of enlisted men. Officers are not covered by the re-integration.
Proclamation No. 50:

WHEREAS, it is recognized that certain active and former personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) and their supporters have or may have committed acts or omissions which may be punishable under the Revised Penal Code, the Articles of War and other laws in connection with July 27, 2003 Oakwood Mutiny, the February 2006 Marines Stand-Off and the November 29, 2007 Manila Pen Incident and related incidents;
WHEREAS, there is a clamor from certain sectors of society urging the President to extend amnesty to said AFP personnel;
WHEREAS, Section 19, Article VII of the Constitution expressly vests the power to grant amnesty upon the President;
WHEREAS, in order to promote an atmosphere conducive to the attainment of a just, comprehensive and enduring peace and in line with the Government’s peace and reconciliation initiatives, there is a need to declare amnesty in favor of the said active and former personnel of the AFP and their supporters;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, BENIGNO S. AQUINO III, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by Section 19, Article VII of the Philippine Constitution, do hereby DECLARE and PROCLAIM:
SECTION 1. Grant of Amnesty. – Amnesty is hereby granted to all active and former personnel of the AFP as well as their supporters who shall apply therefor and who have or may have committed acts or omissions punishable under the Revised Penal Code, the Articles of War or other special laws in connection with, in relation or incident to the July 27, 2003 Oakwood Mutiny, the February 2006 Marines Stand-Off and/or the November 29, 2007 Manila Pen Incident and related incidents; Provided that amnesty shall not cover crimes against chastity and other crimes committed for personal ends.
SECTION 2. Where to Apply. – The concerned AFP personnel and their supporters may apply for amnesty under this Proclamation with the Department of National Defense (DND). The DND is hereby tasked with the functions and duties of receiving and processing applications for amnesty under this proclamation and determining whether the applicants are covered by amnesty under this Proclamation. The final decisions or determination of the DND shall be appealable to the Office of the President.
SECTION 3. Period of Application. – Applications for the grant of amnesty under this Proclamation shall be filed under oath with the DND within a period of ninety (90) days following the date of the publication of this Proclamation in two (2) newspapers of general circulation. The DND shall forthwith act on the same with dispatch.
SECTION 4. Effects. –
(a) Amnesty under this proclamation shall extinguish any criminal liability for acts committed in relation to, in connection with or incident to the July 27, 2003 Oakwood Mutiny, the February 2006 Marines Stand-Off and the November 29, 2007 Manila Pen Incident without prejudice to the grantee’s civil liability for injuries or damages caused to private persons.
(b) The grant of amnesty shall also effect the restoration of civil and political rights or entitlement that may have been suspended, lost or adversely affected by virtue of ant executive action and/or administrative criminal action or proceedings lodged against the grantee in connection with the subject incidents, including criminal conviction or any form, if any.
(c) All enlisted personnel of the Armed Forces of the Philippines whose applications for amnesty would be approved shall be entitled to reintegration or reinstatement, subject to existing laws and regulations. Officers of the AFP on the other hand shall not be entitled to reintegration or reinstatement into the service.
(d) The amnesty shall reinstate the right of AFP personnel to retirement and separation benefits, if so qualified under existing laws and regulations at the same time of the commission of the acts for which the amnesty is extended.
SECTION 5. Effectivity. – This Proclamation shall take effect immediately upon the signing thereof.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the seal of the Republic of the Philippines to be affixed.
DONE in the City of Manila, 11th day of October in the year of our Lord, Two Thousand and Ten.
By the President:
Executive Secretary

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
The elected Executive Officers of Golden Crescent Peace Center
Group of professionals who are advocating for peace are formally elected into office last Saturday, August 7, 2010 at around 3:00PM at the Peace Advocates Office, SLSI Building, San Jose Street, Zamboanga City.
The elected founding and Executive Officers will hold office from 2010 to 2012 are the followings: Chairman- Professor Ali T. Yacub, Al-Hj., Vice Chairman (Internal)- Prof. Eddie M. Ladja, Vice Chairman (external)- Hja. Rahma Sakaluran-Mohammad, Secretary General- Habib Alkhaulan Hashim, Asst. Sec. Gen- Mr. Aldrin Abdurahim, Treasurer Dr. Lea U. Laput, and Auditor- Engr. Yashier Ibba.
Straight from the heart Columnist- Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan elected Director for Public Relation and Media Affairs and the rest officers will be elected in the next session after the month of Ramadan and will be published the same in my column.
Golden Crescent Peace Center member of consortium civil society in the sector of an Interreligious Solidarity Movement for Peace contributing more on research and development (R & D) focus on peace builders for Mindanao area, as well supporting the national government agenda of PEACE AND DEVELOPMENT.
This new professional’s organized group can be partners and tapped by the National Government and new Commission for technical works and writings of their various programs- The National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) in some selected departments namely: 1. Muslim Economic Affairs, 2. Muslim Cultural Affairs, 3. Muslim Settlement, and 4. Peace and Conflict Resolution.
Compromising the peace with a serious intent, I don’t think so, we cannot succeed in the quest for Mindanaoan to achieve the genuine and lasting peace of all the regions of Mindanao affected in the long overdue internal conflicts- The Moro conflicts.
The perceptions of Mindanaoan on the stalled peace process- The reasons behind the failures are the insincerity of both parties GRP and Moro resistance group.
We are committed to supports in all legal and acceptable parameters on the on-going peaceful agreements between the government and the Moro resistance group.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Zamboanga International Airport Blast
Zamboanga City experienced horrible trauma when bomb exploded at 6:20 PM Thursday, August 5, 2010, at the passenger arrival area of Zamboanga International Airport two confirm dead and more than 20 wounded including Jolo Sulu Governor Abdulsakur Tan are now confined in different hospitals of the city. The SOCO Team found two IDs: 1. SSS ID Card and Zamcelco ID with the bearing name Reynaldo Apilado resided at Bragy. Maasin, Zamboanga City. According to the investigators team fixed ID picture in the ID card is matched to the de-capacitated body found in the ground of bombing site which the alleged one of the suspect to this kind of horrendous dastardly and cowardly act to victimized the innocence civilians of Zamboanga City and adjacent provinces of Western Mindanao.
In the latest update Sulu Governor Tan insisted the bomb is intended for his life and this is for second attempt, first was at Provincial Capitol of Jolo on May 2009 in a planted Motorcycle Bomb. Governor said, he is lucky enough to escape from an instant death which the Governor is only one meter away from the impact of the blast.
If this bomb is intended for the Governor what benefits are we going to achieve? From the point of view, we gain nothing; this is unacceptable cowardly act of political cultures of violence and dead-wrong activities of dastardly kind of politics. Re-thinks the dark behind the motives,this is a condemnable acts a negative impact for the whole interest of Mindanaoan. I think for those who are not delighted to be enlightened ,this is start of a wake-up calls for all Mindanaoan to protect our leaders if still has the same motive to eliminate our elected leaders from power. stop the atrocities in our homeland preserve the value and dignity that we inherited from our fore-fathers.
For the benefits who follow this column, I was touched when I attended the lectures conducted by the Philippines Council for Islam and Democracy (PCID) at the Western Mindanao State University (WMSU) College of Law Auditorium yesterday August 2, 1010. The presentor is no less than Ms. Amina Rasul. In her clippings presentation.  ‘The factors that led to decline the resources of the Moro Provinces during Martial Law’, and to include present practices of the National policy planners, triggered Causes: 1. Destruction of Infrastructures, 2. Capital flights, and 3. Brain drain.
In simple analysis this is a true fact why ARMM provinces are so poor Local Government Units (LGUs).  While Mindanao is one economic hub of our republic, as a whole is number 5 in GDP, but in the actual data funds releases actually a big pie are focus to CARAGA provinces and cities and include Zamboanga City for Mindanao.  For the ARMM provinces and cities is with a limited shares of funds. So therefore, ‘there would be an imbalance of an economic discrepancy of our democracy in one republic for the minority rights’.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Controversial Bill proposal of Congresswoman GMA and son Congressman Dado Arroyo for the expansion of ARMM coverage area.
I am now the subject of controversy when recently posted to my facebook account quote ‘Rep-GMA and Rep Dato Arroyo I was one hardcore opposition to your administration, now, ‘I will declare to support your Bills on this very laudable proposal to expand more ARMM provinces and Cities. As I even propose to re-write the ARMM Organic Act to resolve genuinely and peacefully the Moro problems. A high notes of this proposal for the 15th new set-up Congress’...
For public discourse I was one staunched hard-hitting opposition to the public policy of former President GMA from the start of her presidency until she exit from power. they way she ran the ship of our republic. It made public in some of my strong worded opinion thread and posted comments in fb account focus of the alleged controversial messed in the Palace. To make known to the public my articles and bloggers remain an independent taught direct from the heart. Whoever individual and group did the right works for the whole an inclusive for all human dignity and general welfare of the people will surely get the honorable praised from this column. And the same token whoever individual and group did mistake or malpractices in his/her leadership and career will surely get a strong words of criticism and condemnation from this column.
In the case of Representative GMA in her proposed bill for the expansion of ARMM coverage area to City of Zamboanga and Saranggani Province I think, this one of very laudable proposal in her representation for the Moro problems of over 40 years internal conflicts. That why, I praised her ‘she is now the part of solution not a part of the problem’. Let us give her chance to defend the proposed bill in the house of congress on her view in the affirmative side and the rest critiquing the bill on the negative side. We are in the process of lively debates and healthy democratic process majority opinions are superb rather over the minority opinion in a free market of idea.
For the past wrong doing of former President in her 9 years inside the Palace, if proven by the ‘Truth Commission’, Legal Court proceeding and Judiciary system of our republic , ‘she should answerable to the mess she has done wrong during her term if any, on the basis of due process of law’.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Zamboanga City Water District is inefficient serving consumer public.
Since the El-Nino season up to now rainy season Zamboanga  City Water District still inefficient serving the household imagine for almost a year since the summer season my home has not provided enough water supply. What happen to the management of Zamboanga City Water District? Are they capable to run the operation of water concessioners? Or in the midst of mismanagement crisis like the fate of ZAMCELCO in the past months almost felt the same in a financial melt-down.
From this column I calls upon you we need sufficient power and water supplies reach every household within the perimeter homes and including the residence inside post-subdivision area. Light and water are those parts of basic necessities for human lives needs really to be upgraded and improved the quality of service by ZAMCELCO and Water District Concessioners.
Light and water is really the negative disturbing factors for the daily activities and routines of every-one of us living the urban city without the two basic necessities we are not so comport to deal and transact with friends, acquaintances and our contacts.
Pouring of enough resources to Cooperative and the water concessioners would means improving the quality of service for consumers’ public.  At least Zamboangenos are not hesitant to pay their bills on due date time.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Dou Philanthropists’ assisted 535 Basilan schoolchildren
Philam Chair Jose Cuisia handed out worth of PhP1.5M pesos checks to PBSP Chair Manuel V. Pangilinan to fund the program of 9th year Aid for Basilan Children or ABC project being implemented by PBSP (Philippine Business for Social Progress) In Basilan Island.
The ABC helps 535 schoolchildren with scholarship assistance, books, and school supplies to prevent them from dropping of school due to poverty and disruption in community life. Aid for Basilan Children Projects assists conflict-affected children in the aftermath of the siege of Lamitan town in 2001.
As I have posted in my facebook account ‘If only not thru education I might be a dreaded commander of the lawless elements of my province-Basilan in the 70s and 80s’. But because of education all my life and family becomes a good citizen of the republic to obey law and order of the state.
I still remember the privilege speech of the late Congressman Wahab M. Akbar in the 14th Congress before he was killed in car-bombed at the ground floor of the Batasan Complex, he said ‘Instead of sending more military troops to my province why not sending more financial aids, more government funds, livelihood assistance and government projects to the LGUs –Basilan’,  which I think, this is likely a correct approach and strategies of the national government to resolve a long decades of an internal conflicts that cannot find a genuine, permanent, lasting and peaceful resolution of over 40 years Mindanao conflicts.
For the good deeds of philanthropists’ works of Chair Cuisa and Chair Pangilinan this should sustain not only in Basilan, but the rest provinces of conflict-affected areas in Mindanao and elsewhere provinces of the Philippines who needed most financial assistance for most valued education of the rural children, who cannot afford for higher education. My good friend Armand Dean Nucom has also the same programs for child in the conflict-affected area books launching intended for young’s-armed resistance.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

Straight from the Heart

Abs Damahan
Is P.NOY really Pro-people President?
While I am listening to P.Noy first SONA his message is look likely a pro-people president of our republic. But, I am still in doubting in his motives, if he really a pro-poor president. He made mentioned many controversies transactions of the PGMA administration specifically the fast depleted of our national budget, NFA over-stocks of rice are now rotten inside government Warehouses of the Metropolis, The huge budget allocation for the district-II of Pampanga Lubao where GMA got her fresh mandate as elected representative to the House of Representatives and many other issues in that SONA, I should not fully detailed in this articles because of limited space.
Upon reading the transcript of the first SONA of P.NOY was sent to me from a good friend in Manila through email. I think, there are still lacking in the over all summary of the SONA likes: 1. Economic policy, 2. Domestic and Foreign Policy, 3. Land Reform, 4. Workers benefits,  5. Health benefits, 6. Road-map strategies of development under P.Noy Administration, and 7. The very important the alternatives solution of the problems in your SONA message.
Land reform is so important national issue above the rest, would be the number one question mark, and how the sincerity of P.NOY that his administration is pro-poor government is maybe his political adviser mislook to include these long contentious issues between the landlord and the rural farmer’s folks. This is a long decade’s problem of the republic has not given a permanent, genuine, final and lasting solution for our national unity.
The right, center, left and MORO resistance of Mindanao, if you are sincere enough perceive for the first time as clean, boldly and honest president of the republic, there is no reason in six years of your administration One Philippines, perhaps is no longer called sick man in Asia and Banana republic. After your term ended. I shall be called true Pinoy with pride and dignify by our neighbors and the rest of the global community.
Pahabol: Congratulations to Congresswoman Maria Isabelle ‘Beng’ Climaco-Salazar as officially elected Deputy Speaker for Mindanao in the new set-up of 15th Congress.
For comments, reactions and suggestions please e-mail at or call to tel No. 062-926-9418 or text Cell. No. 09283147761 Blog:

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