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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Straight from the Heart

Abduljaman ‘Abs’ A. Damahan
Guimaras Province is newly created province of Panay Island adjacent to the City of Iloilo compose of five Municipality seats of Local Government Units with two district representatives. I am 100 percent pros to the creation of 3rd District of Zamboanga City, base on the assumption of geographical sizes.  Zamboanga City is on the advantage position situated part of Western Mindanao region to enable become vibrant and progressive city to catch-up Cagayan de Oro, Davao City and Gensan Province. Zamboanga City is a center for commerce of the Western region of Mindanao need fast-track development aiming for modernization toward sustainable growth.
Based on Prof. Bien Fernandez latest survey the respondents favor the creation of 3rd Congressional District of the city. I think survey results is speak for itself no doubt Zamboangeno express their willingness to have one additional district created. Back to Guimaras Province a small Islet can create two district representatives, why Zamboanga City cannot do it the same with his biggest in number of population density, huge resources and geographical location.
Zamboanga  City must be the place for everybody belong to the multi-cultural diversity living together under one community of mutual respects and mutual interest. By being the city of flowers must also the city of love mingling for diverse ethnicity devoid all kinds of hatred inflicted in our mind and heart attaining peaceful co-existence as preached day-to-day by global community.
Thinking for more accommodation rather than isolation to minority to gain the momentum of real progress of Zamboanga City and Western Mindanao.

          Teen charge in NJ Walmart racial comment case- Yahoo news- This kind of racial slur language really hurting minority, I belong to minority in my country. This comment should be avoided to hurt the feeling of African American colored people.



Tea party protesters call  Georgia's John Lewis 'nigger'- Yahoo News- MLK memories should not repealed in modern U.S.A. race slur campaign must stop devoid incivility. This is not the time for civil disobedience...



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Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Governance Logic of Noynoy

The Governance Logic of Noynoy
Very few people have the opportunity to be given a private talk by a person of renowned stature. In some cases you have to pay P3,000 just to hear the former British Prime Minister talk about what he did in office when such material is readily available on the net. 

Today I was privy to the talk of my Boss. After first being warned of the meeting I thought it would be a sermon on our performance and our need to shape up and do better. However, what he said was better; “Give it your 110% because what little thing you do contributes to the whole campaign… we all have a stake in this,” (paraphrased, obviously, this is not a policy pronouncement) . 

And then he proceeded to talk about the C5 project, what’s wrong with the administration, the budget spending, etc., most of which I already know. But then he talked about the NBN-ZTE deal where an overprice of P40 billion for the project was revealed. And then he asked one of us to compute how much it would cost to build classrooms to fill the 20,000 to 40,000 shortage. It amounted to P20 billion. Had government officials exercised restraint in their greed, we would have built those 40,000 classrooms and students wouldn’t have to undergo quadruple shifting (not a typo, we do QUADRUPLE shifting) and DepEd would not have to resort to lumping subjects together (e.g. Science is taught in the same period as English) just to maximize the resources available. 

In my yearend evaluation report, he noted that I needed to see how the small details fit into the bigger picture. And this was what he was talking about. I was the one who provided him with the materials he used to construct his logic, but I am the very same person to have failed to connect the dots. I have provided him with research on school shifting and subject clustering but I didn’t look beyond that to see that it was not simply bureaucratic inefficiency caused by lack of funding, it was corruption leading to lack of funding which eventually led to poor bureaucratic performance, and ultimately led to the deprivation of QUALITY education to our public school students.

It is easy to say we are in this state because of “corruption.” But many of us have divorced the act itself to the ill-effects of the act on the affected. We would focus more on the corruptor and, fueled by our burning hatred, would rip the offender apart limb from limb had he/ she been thrown our direction. 

This does not solve the problem at all. Because we have been preoccupied with our hatred of our corrupt politicians; starting hate pages on facebook and twitting about them furiously, even to a point that we engage each other in word war in our e-groups or wall posts, that we have forgotten the disenfranchised of the very act we condemn.

That is what the Good Governance stance of Boss reminds us of. We should not simply punish the wrong doers but more importantly, we should attend to the needs of the deprived because of the government’s inability to serve them. 

When in his talk he focused on how much of the overprice in the NBN-ZTE project could have been used to build schools instead of harping about how these corrupt politicians should be punished, that’s his Good Governance Policy

Many a time, I have sifted through transcripts of his speeches, and, as ordered, I have compartmentalized it per issue so that we would have an inventory of his policy pronouncements. And often he makes his case to his audience. 

He talks about how the fertilizer fund scam contributed to the poor harvest of our farmers. He talks about how improper usage of the Calamity Fund deprived us of resources come Ondoy and Pepeng. He talks about erroneous textbooks contributing to the degradation of our public school education system. He talks about a lot of things, that would have been seen as simply a negative campaign against the current administration. But here is where his critics have gotten him all wrong, because the case he made to the people is the very logic of his Good Governance policy: 

All our governance objectives are noble and in the service of the Filipino people. It becomes harmful when it is distorted and made to serve oneself. Therefore, in order to make this country better you don’t need grandiose platforms, all you have to do is to do your job, and do it well, rightly, and in accordance to the principled objective. 

That was why when he told us a while ago to give it our 110%, he wanted us to follow the same logic of governance; do your job, give it your best, and don’t do anything wrong because we are in government and what little things you do affects the people. 

I am reminded of what happened earlier. Ten senators absented themselves from the hearing in the Senate, allegedly to kill the deliberations on the C5 Road project. The little things we do, like absenting ourselves from the last day of session may not mean a lot to those senators, but to the sectors of society whose bills shall be passed today, it means they would have to wait until after the elections before their concerns are heard by the legislature. 

The little things we do in government, like writing a memo, proposing amendments to the law, correcting the clerical error in the budget of QUEDANCOR, increasing the budget of the Commission on Human Rights… the little things that we do have national consequences. 

Many a time I have been asked, if I wasn’t working for Noynoy would I still vote for him for President. The automatic answer I give them is a yes that is full of conviction. And when asked to explain why, I tell them, “because I know how he works!” 

He is mindful of the outcome of the little things we do in government. He is mindful of the people who will be affected by the little things we do in government. And most importantly, he has pledged to do the right thing, so that all the little things that we do would benefit the people we intend to serve.

In light of the dismaying survey results, we become anxious, depressed, and disappointed. Yes, me too. But, in his 20 minute talk, our principal reminded us not to let it get to you. It only means that we have to work harder, we have to give it our 110%. 

And considering that our biggest contender is remiss of his duties as a senator and is not mindful of how his seemingly innocuous deed of inserting funding twice for the same project would divert funds from more socially relevant projects, I’d work extra hard to prevent him from taking the Presidency, where he might do more damage to the people.

The survey may say we’re tie, but all it means to me is that they’ve finally caught up even when we’ve already given them a three year head start. It is our pledge that we will generate jobs, that we will improve basic education, that we will provide accessible health care, and that we will reform the judicial system. We can’t be disheartened now. The Session might be over but the campaign’s just begun. Doing the little things that we do to help our country, it’s GAME ON!

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Ms. Rosana Contreras, Executive Director of Socsksargen Fishing and Allied Industries Incorporated (SFFAII), Friday, said that the 20 th N...