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Monday, December 31, 2012

Straight from the Heart

By Abs Damahan

“Kariton ng Mamamayanan, Kapayapaan, Reporma at Maayos na Pamamahala”

Peek “a” Byte Restaurant, Rizal Avenue, Lamitan City, Basilan on November 5-6, 2012, the recent activities of Basilan Women Initiative Foundation, Inc. and the facilitators’ NGos are: Community Organizer Multidiversity (COM), People’s Coalition for ARMM Reform and Transformation, Inc. (People’s CART) and Oxfam Mindanao Programme  who spearheaded the Basilan People’s Assembly for Peace, Reform and Good Governance participated by a major stakeholders from the Civil Society Organization, National Line Agencies, AFP and LGU’s.

This People’s CART and BWIFI are recognized non-government organization by the National Government for peace and development, electoral reform, advocacy and good governance. Dr. Pendatun Pangadil, Chairman, People’s CART said, he is supporting the GPH-MILF Framework Agreement as long as within the framework of democratic processes go along with the Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines.

In our brief conversation with former Board Member Jubaira Said and now the Chairwoman of BWIFI said, this BWIFI is the local counterpart non-government organization to be one partner as the provincial convenor for a projects implementation of People’s CART Programmes. And some other related programmes and projects likes: Good Governance, Transition Investment Support Plans with a hefty PHP 5.58B stimulus support funds for ARMM Government, National Agriculturist Fisheries Council (NAFC), Electoral Reform. DSWD project 1. Family Development Services (FDS) and, 2. Modified Condition Cash Transfer.

These are output of the Basilan People’s Assembly:

Basilan Network of organizations Lamitan City and People’s Agenda-Basilan Province

1.      Reviewing and identifying laws and policies that accrued to discrimination and injustices for the Bangsamoro people and Indigenous People in the Bangsamoro Homeland, such as:

ü  Land Tenure and Ownership;
ü  Educational Tenets which includes its philosophical, cultural foundations and others;
ü  Women Inclusiveness , Exclusiveness and Participation, and  raise the awareness on violence against women including children;
ü  Economic and Enterprises Ventures and Practices, including opportunities for employment;
ü  Utilization of the Bangsamoro Homeland natural resources; and
ü  Human Capital Security.

2.            Enhancing, supporting and helping the adoption of both horizontal and vertical mechanisms of initiatives for peace and development in full emphasis of “Participatory Approach” and democratic processes (convergence) in the Bangsamoro homeland, the regions and the country in general;

3.            Recognizing and strengthening the active involvement and participation of Civil Society Organizations, Peoples Organizations and Non-Government Organizations in the local government planning, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation and local governance system;

4.            Institutionalizing and structuring of the true and comprehensive “Shariah” in the Bangsamoro Homeland with its particularities on inclusiveness and exclusiveness;

5.            Strengthening the “Asatids” and “Ulama” (Learned Persons) for them to help in educating the people for good governance (Principle of Islamic Governance)  and emphasis of “Rule of Law”;

6.            Institutionalizing the initiatives for the protection, conservation and rehabilitation of the environment and assuring appropriate and relevant utilization of natural resources;

7.            Working for the establishment of an educational mechanism/system that would relevantly address the needs of constituents as cases of the Bangsamoro and indigenous people in the localities, which means it would address the emphasis of this maxim: “Educate the learners within their own world”;

8.            Empowering if possible all sectors (Fisherfolks, Farmers, Youths, Women and Entrepreneurs) for productive endeavors with technical and material (Capital) support from the government and other concern agencies;

9.            Adopting a mechanism for the implementation of programs on basic social services (Water, Health and Education) that it could reach even as far as far-flung communities including underserved one;

10.        Establishing a mechanism for the convergence, unification and reconciliation of sectors for peace and development, especially those in conflict situations, if possible in all levels;

11.        Institutionalizing and strengthening humanitarian protection initiatives and minimize, if not eradicate, the  LGU’s negative intervention in humanitarian services;

12.        Advocating for comprehensive unity and unity in diversity for the attainment of lasting peace in Mindanao;

13.        Policy advocacy and massive campaign on regulating political dynasty and control of elite families in governance leadership;

14.        Advocating for the eradication of misconceptions on religious differences and other affiliations;

15.        Policy advocacy on the full implementation of the measures against the following : (a) proliferation of loose firearms, (b) illegal logging, (c) graft and corruption, (d) human trafficking e) sale and use of illegal drugs, f) illegal fishing and all other illegal activities;

16.        Ensuring the protection of women, children and elderly in any form of violence eg. pagbanta or family feud, armed conflict, child abuses, and human trafficking;

17.        Significant information drive and strengthening the implementation mechanism of the following : (a) Bangsamoro Framework Agreement; (b) Full Disclosure Policy; (c) Bottoms-up Budgeting Process; (d) Public and Private Partnership; and (e) Livelihood programs (agriculture, fisheries, and community enterprises)

18.        Massive conduct of values transformation and “Da’wah” for the promotion of and sustainability on the culture of peace, sustainable livelihood, disaster preparedness and good governance;

19.        Providing emphasis of lslamic awareness and intra and interfaith dialogue.

20.        Strong advocacy of CSOs to both GPH and MILF panel for equal distribution and representation from five (5) provinces of ARMM of 15 members for Transition Commission;

21.        Building and establishing a mechanism in unifying the impoverished and downtrodden stakeholders (Muslim, Christian, and Lumad) in any ways for moral order, social ascendancy, peace, equality and justice regardless of religious belief, creed and diversified cultural heritage;

22.        Strengthening electoral reform initiatives in the localities in preparation and response for any political development changes.

Hon. Tahira Ismael-Sansawi former Mayor of Lantawan and provincial administrator in her opening message said, Machismo domination of men to women should not be the way to threat gender equality. She has come from CSO and her most training is supported by the civic organization. During her termed as Mayor of Lantawan Municipality she looks like a brave leader during her administration, but, in fact, not in her character and traits, she has just wanted her municipality to be one peaceful Local Government Unit.

She was once human rights advocate in her long engagements with the CSO before joining politics. She also emphasizes the role of women to peace works it’s so importance for the CSO initiative collaboration.

In her message in behalf of the governor, she well define Kariton she said, while this push cart is mechanize is a kind low form of local hand-made transportation, if all of us helping one another to push forward this Kariton will probably, we can reach the goal as we want to achieve for Basilan.

Basilan as you will very well know she said, on trademark a violence province a lair of the element of lawlessness, home capital for a kidnap for ransom province.
In the closing of her message, she reminds the participant “a woman has always part of peaceful process and a mother to everyone of us in this world”.

DILG Madam Annie Juaini- Provincial Assistant Director her lecture more on solidarity and action and she said, government role reaching out the CSOs and NGOs partners in many aspects of development and public service to the constituent for more collaborative engagement works.

 CSOs must come together helping one another and working together assisting the National and local Government Units. The LGUs must know activities within their constituent identifying priority programmes and projects would benefit their people within the limit of their resources. But, in somehow, LGUs must also sourcing public funds from the national line agencies and donor funded organization agencies.

Mr. Nathan Insung a long time and a veteran NGO base in Basilan who representing MILF discussed on Bangsamoro Framework Agreement. He encourages the participants to remain watchers and observed the conduct of the Framework which is in par excellence documents produced in the peace deal made by the both sides of GPH-MILF.

He also encourages the CSO and people of Basilan to have a representative in the Transition Commissions appointed by the President by the power of Executive Order, who drafted the Basis Law of the Bangsamoro. Mr, Insung lamented when he happens to travel around the province, he observed of lack information drive conducted by the MILF organization to reach ground for their followers to be properly informed “some banners displayed along the designated area under their controlled camps with noted words “MABUHAY MILF” which is not to be displayed Insung complaint.

Many observers murmured this peace deal is long processes will cause a humpy dumpy road ahead it need Congress to pass Resolution to support Executive Order to be signed by the President, so that the President can appoints the 15 men Transition Commission in order this Commission become have the legal basis under our Constitution to draft the basic Law of proposed Bangsamoro New Political Entity or whatever name can be called for by the appointed TC.

So, after the drafting of the basic Law, then submitted again to Congress for review and revision and then submitted for ratification to covers the proposed Bangsamoro Ministerial form of government. Then, this is followed to call for the plebiscite or referendum will be conducted therefore will be voted by the Bangsamoro. Then, after the plebiscite Congress again passes Resolution confirming all areas that favoured and voted aye on plebiscite and submitted to the Office of the President for final signing of the basic Law for the Bangsamoro New Political Entity. The transition period until 2016 and Transition Commission will also expire after the regular election conducted in the Bangsamoro homeland.

Normalization will follow then, MNLL MILF and ASG it will become a legitimate political party under this democratic process if they voted for the referendum and honor the basic Law of the Bangsamoro New Political Entity.

The International Monitoring Team (IMT) will stay until 2016 or it depend what they agreed upon by two sides of both GPH-MILF.

The reparation of the victims of war it should be compensated, the healing process must be considered, the Integration of the BIAF must be reconsidered and Unity process it need to comply in an urgent manner in order this peace process be completed and so that all Filipinos enjoyed and benefited the fruits of genuine peace in our homeland and the entire nation.

Settlers of where the origin must not so much worried in the framework agreement who want knows they are the first who enjoyed the benefits of the peace deal because of advancement connection to the Bangsamoro and for their long stays in Mindanao. The power of majority is remain solid to control the minority and minority as it is subservient from their masters in our democratic institution and processes.

LCol. Jema C. Aseron, BatCom base in Kampo Uno Lamitan said, the Secession of hostility is big help and moral busting from the AFP side could help a lot in reducing casualties from military side. Col. Aseron said, Basilenos are diverse cultures can translate for more doable positive steps that promote and led to the level of peaceful Basilan.

In the military organization we have a Civil Military Operation (CMO) this is a counterpart of the CSO for the civilian concerned group organization would tackle national and local issues for peace, development and security.

The latest programs of the AFP Internal Peace Security Plan (IPSP) would perhaps in way or the other by our close coordination and cooperation it would improve security measures and protection for our civilians’ populace particularly Basilan Col. Aseron disclosed. He even suggested instead our national budget allotted much for security, why not diverted or realigned for peace and development projects.

Short reaction from the veteran politician of former Board Member Mario Mamang said, “The real problem of our political leaderships in the province because of wrong political rivalry in our midst”.

Focal persons in these activities are: Ms. Nulkaisa Alidain, Ms. Emely Trumata and Ms. Taiba Anwar-Ibama.
Yours truly AbsDamahan’sLive was one invited speaker as media practitioner…

Straight from the Heart

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